Learning Objectives

  • Understand the Launch module


Everyone must have done the prep work


We have a lot of first-time volunteers helping at the Launch module, so it is always good to ensure they and the current volunteers and trainees understand what the module is about.


Kick-start the Launch (30 minutes)

Goal: Understand the Launch module

Discuss the following questions as a cohort (trainees and volunteers):

  1. What have the trainees learned before joining the Launch module? Think about Tech Ed and Professional Development (PD) learnings.

  2. What will be the main challenges for the trainees?

  3. What will be the main challenges for the volunteers?

  4. Why do we do the Launch module?

  5. What should we make sure we don’t do at the Launch module?

  6. What are we doing on the Saturday sessions?

  7. How many mid-week check-ins should each team have?

  8. What are the common mistakes made by teams?

  9. How will you deal with the conflicts below?

    • Safeguarding: someone is at risk, and you don’t know what to do.
    • Abusive behaviour: could include code of conduct violation.
    • Disengagement: a trainee or volunteer not participating
    • Poor technical contributions: The trainee is contributing, but the code is not good enough or actively bad; the team cannot deliver weekly releases
  10. Would you hire this trainee? Why is this question important for trainees and volunteers to have in mind? And if you would not hire them, what should you do?