πŸ“… Sprint 1

Agreements πŸ”—

You must have read and agreed to all agreements before the first Fundamentals lesson

Bad Interview Answers πŸ”—

We have a lot of serious work to do, but let's start with some fun

Childcare support πŸ”—

Ensure trainees are aware of how to apply for childcare expenses.

Critical Thinking πŸ”—

Learn about the importance of critical thinking.

CYF Code of Conduct πŸ”—

This a quick exercise to ensure we are all aware of our Code of Conduct and the importance of it for our community.

Design your product πŸ”—

You now have clarity of what your MVP will be like. The next step is designing your solution.

Fail Fast Prep πŸ”—

This exercise is the work to be done for the next lesson, in which we will discuss the Failing Fast concept.

Failing Fast πŸ”—

Failing fast is essential for success. It is important to get in the habit of being comfortable with trying new things, learning from them, making adjustments when things don’t go as expected and trying again until you achieve your objective.

Feedback πŸ”—

We will give each other feedback on the document we prepared before the session.

General Weekly Availability πŸ”—

We all have some kind of standard availability, which helps us organising our day to day. So let's share this information with the team so we can better support each other.

Goal of the Portfolio Module πŸ”—

Why are we here and what are we trying to achieve?

Goal setting and planning πŸ”—

Understanding the goals of the Portfolio module and setting our own

Identify pairs per week πŸ”—

In this exercise we will identify people that have the same availability and pair them, so they can do some coursework together.

Importance of Professional Development πŸ”—

Highlighting the importance of professional development in order to get a tech job

Launch - Prep πŸ”—

The prep work for the Launch will ensure you can start your first week with all admin work organised and set up and your product briefing understood. Doing these tasks well ensures faster and more efficient delivery, so do it carefully.

Non-Verbal Communication πŸ”—

You will learn about and practice non-verbal communication.

Pairs for next week πŸ”—

Define the pairs for the next week.

Prep and plan your product πŸ”—

The goal of this first meeting is to define what you are trying to deliver as a team.

Prep Critical Thinking πŸ”—

This prep is for you to learn about critical thinking.

Prep for Feedback πŸ”—

This is the preparation work for the exercise that will be done in the next lesson, about feedback

Prep Non-verbal Communication πŸ”—

This prep is for you to learn about non-verbal communication.

Prep Resilience πŸ”—

Prep to get familiar with Resilience

Prep Teamwork Project πŸ”—

During the JS3 module, trainees will work in a group on the **Teamwork Project**.

Prep the work for the week πŸ”—

Agree the next steps for your team

Prep Transferable Skills πŸ”—

This exercise is for you to think about your transferrable skills and how they will help you in your new career in tech.

Prep Working Software and Done πŸ”—

This prep is for you to learn about Agile and important concepts.

Resilience πŸ”—

Learn about Resilience

Reviewing and improving goals πŸ”—

Everybody has different approaches to creating goals. Use this session to review goals as a group and share feedback with each other. Create an opportunity for dialogue about the challenges you may face in achieving these goals and how you can support each other to collectively achieve your goals.

SDC Goals and expectations πŸ”—

Presentation with multiple exercises

Sprint planning πŸ”—

Plan the upcoming week of work as a team

Teamwork Project S1 πŸ”—

In this session, we will talk about tech teams and different tech roles.

Transferable skills πŸ”—


What is the Launch module πŸ”—

An exercise to ensure everyone understands the Launch module and it’s benefits, outcome and challenges.

Working Software and Done πŸ”—

Explore what goes into a definition of done and how delivering valuable increments is important in an Agile software development project.

Writing user stories πŸ”—

Clear user stories with defined acceptance criteria ensure we can deliver a feature efficiently and with less re-work.

πŸ“… Sprint 2

Active listening πŸ”—

In this session you will practice active listening, so that you experience it and can use it in the future

Backlog Refinement and Planning πŸ”—

To ensure the team is all on the same page the planning and/or backlog refinement session are key.

Conflict Resolution πŸ”—

Conflict resolution promotes understanding, cooperation, and healthier relationships.

Demo Time! πŸ”—

All teams will show the amazing work they have done so far.

Difficult workplace conversations πŸ”—

This session discusses some potential difficult conversations in the workplace and offers tips for constructive outcomes following these conversations.

Find and analyse a Job Description - Prep πŸ”—

Find a job posting that appeals to you and do some prep work to compare how well you fit that job.

Gathering requirements Prep πŸ”—

This is the prep work for the Teamwork Project Sprint 2 lesson.

Google sheet for Slack rota πŸ”—

Learning to use Google Sheets so the cohort can organise their rota for the coursework

Job Descriptions and Questions for Employers πŸ”—

Review the Job Description analysis you created in the prep, and prepare good questions for employers before applying.

Learn about Slack πŸ”—

Preparation for the Slack class to ensure you have some knowledge

Let's get jobs πŸ”—

In this session we will work on our employability skills. This means: improving our CVs, LinkedIn profiles, GitHub profiles, finding and analysing job descriptions, and preparing for interviews.

Population Block πŸ”—

Create all the skills and modules

Portfolio Module: Prep work for planning πŸ”—

This is the prep for the 2nd and 4th week of the Portfolio Module.

Prep Conflict Resolution πŸ”—

This is your prep work for the next lesson.

Prep Difficult workplace conversations πŸ”—

Handling potentially difficult conversations in the workplace.

Prep for active listening πŸ”—

This is the preparation work for the exercise that will be done in the next lesson, about active listening.

Prep Problem Solving πŸ”—

Problem-solving skills are skills that enable people to handle unexpected situations or difficult challenges at work.

Prep Roles in Tech πŸ”—

This prep exercise is for you to research available roles in tech. You need to have this done before the next class.

Prep your Demo presentation πŸ”—

The demo is an Agile ceremony. It celebrates your team's achievement during the past sprint, in our case, the past week.

Problem Solving πŸ”—

We will learn about and practice problem-solving.

Retrospective πŸ”—

Retrospective is another important ceremony in the Agile framework. In the same way, you talk to users to gather their feedback and act on it; this is the time for your team to discuss what is going well and what isn’t.

Roles in the tech industry πŸ”—

In this session, we will talk about the roles in tech and ensure we all understand the variety and importance of them

Teamwork Project S2 πŸ”—

This session will explore what a tech product is, who are the users of a product, and how the product meets user needs.

User research πŸ”—

User research is a great way of building empathy towards the users of your products. The users will also be able to give your feedback and ensure you are going in the right direction with your development.

Using the Slack app πŸ”—

In this session, we will practice using Slack in the cohort.

πŸ“… Sprint 3

Define your product's MVP πŸ”—

Work as a team to define your product's Minimum Viable Product

Demo your product πŸ”—

Demoing your product is something you will always have to do - and practice makes perfect.

Developer Communication πŸ”—

In this lessons you will use the content you prepared with your pair and present it back to your cohort.

Growth Mindset πŸ”—

This session will support you to distinguish the growth mindset from the fixed mindset and to understand how you can actually maintain a growth mindset.

Importance of helping each other πŸ”—

This session will identify the ways that people help each other in CYF and why CYF graduates look for jobs together when they have completed the course.

Importance of helping each other prep πŸ”—

This exercise is the work to be done for the next lesson, in which we will discuss the Importance of helping each other.

Job Hunting and Mock Interview πŸ”—

In this session, students will learn how to tailor their resumes based on the job description of the job they are aiming for.

Prep CYF Blocks presentation πŸ”—

This preparation work will ensure you are ready to present your CYF Blocks project to your cohort

Prep Developer Communication πŸ”—

This prep exercise is for you to think about how to explain concepts to different audiences.

Prep for Growth Mindset πŸ”—

Preparation for the Growth Mindset session

Prep for WIP-Work in Progress πŸ”—

Play an online game where you manage a development team and want to deliver as much value as possible in 4 sprints of 10 working days each.

Prep Job Hunting and Mock Interview πŸ”—

A competency-based interview is also known as a structured, behavioural, or situational interview. They will often feature some activity or task that will test a candidate’s ability to do what their CV and cover letter have said they can do, alongside situational-style questions to determine how they have used specific skills to solve problems.

Prep Value and Work Not Done πŸ”—

This prep focuses on learning about identifying value in a work setting.

Present CYF Blocks project πŸ”—

Now everyone will present their CYF Blocks project

Teamwork Project S3 πŸ”—

This session will explore how to detail the features you listed during prep work and then create create features user stories and tasks for your product.

Value and Work Not Done πŸ”—

In this session, you will put what you learned about value into practice.

WIP and Feedback πŸ”—

In this session, you will play a game to explore how getting early customer feedback can improve a team’s effectiveness and discuss WIP (Work not Done).

πŸ“… Sprint 4

Asking good technical questions πŸ”—

As developers, we are always learning (new technology, languages, libraries, APIs, interfaces, platforms, methods, techniques…). As a result, there are always problems that we face that we can’t immediately understand. So as well as getting good at learning new things, we also need to get good at asking good questions that give us the answers we need to progress quickly. This module provides some concepts and activities that will help you ask better questions.

Ball Point Game πŸ”—

The Ball Point game brings to life several aspects of working in an agile way. Teams invent a process to β€˜deliver’ balls and then improve these processes over the course of several sprints.

Collective job hunt πŸ”—

Work as a team and help each other by doing a collective job hunt

Create groups for JS1 πŸ”—

Create groups that will work together on the next module

Create groups for JS2 πŸ”—

Create new diverse groups for JS2

Create groups for JS3 πŸ”—

Create new diverse groups for JS3

Create groups for React πŸ”—

Create new diverse groups for React module

Discuss the needs of employers πŸ”—

Understanding employers' needs can help you a lot when looking and applying for jobs.

Diversity and Inclusion πŸ”—

This session will help to recognise systemic problems regarding diversity and inclusion and discuss how we can contribute to a more diverse and inclusive tech industry.

Introspection in groups πŸ”—

Evaluate your learning process so far.

Prep - Asking Good Questions πŸ”—

This prep is for you to think of how to ask good questions and think of ones you might have.

Prep - Public Speaking / Circles of Influence πŸ”—

You will prepare a short talk for your peers at the Saturday session. You will also use Circles of Influences to categorise the various concerns in your life.

Prep - Sell yourself πŸ”—

This session explains how self-promoting is different from bragging.

Prep Collaborative job hunt πŸ”—

This prep will show you the importance of looking for jobs collaboratively.

Prep for Diversity and Inclusion πŸ”—

Recognising systemic problems regarding diversity and inclusion and contributing to a more diverse and inclusive tech industry

Prep for Introspection πŸ”—

This is the preparation work for the exercise that will be done in the next lesson, about introspection.

Prep for SMART Goals πŸ”—

This is the preparation work for the exercise that will be done in the next lesson, about SMART Goals

Prep Understanding employers needs πŸ”—

This prep will show you why understanding employers’ needs is important.

Public Speaking / Circles of Influence πŸ”—

In this session, you will practice speaking confidently to your peers. You will also further develop the Circles of Influence you created in the prep work.

Sell yourself πŸ”—

In this session, we will practice our elevator pitches, show off each other’s strengths and identify our value for companies.

Setting SMART Goals πŸ”—

Practice how to set SMART goals.

Teamwork Project Presentation prep πŸ”—

In the next session, you will present your product’s brief, what you have learnt and how you have worked during the Teamwork Project.

Teamwork Project S4 πŸ”—

In this session, each team will present their product brief, learning and work during the Teamwork Project