Learning Objectives

  • Identify users and user needs for a product
  • Explain the functionality of a product


Have post-its and pens and a collaborative board


You will work together through these exercises to ensure everyone understands and can apply the concepts your read about.


Discuss the theory you read about (20 minutes)

Goal: To explain the product, MVP, feature, and user story concepts

  • Create a collaborative board with the following concepts

    • Product
    • MVP
    • Feature
    • User story
  • Briefly discuss as a class what we mean by each concepts.

  • Each trainee should write 1 phrase/word per Post-it (e.g. The first working software) and put it in against the concept (in this example, MVP) on the collaborative board

  • Review the posts as a group

  • Ensure any questions are clarified

Who will use your product? (20 minutes)

Goal: To identify the users of a product

During the previous week’s coursework, you defined your team’s product.

  • Discuss the following questions as a team to identify your product’s users.

    • Who are your users?
    • What different user profiles will be?
    • What user needs does your product try to address?
  • Write down a a short description of your product, users, and user needs, which will be played back to the wider group.

  • One speaker will represent the team (ideally not the same person that talked in the previous lesson). Each speaker has only 1 minute to describe the product, user and user needs.

Make sure someone is the time keeper so all groups have the same amount of time.

Brainstorming about your users' problems (20 minutes)

Goal: To identify how products achieve user needs

In your teams, brainstorm the following questions to understand your product better.

  • What is the functionality of your product?
  • How does it address the user’s needs / solve their problem?

Pair with another team.

Share your answers to the questions above in turns.

Provide feedback, opinions, and additional suggestions to each other.