Learning Objectives

  • Be able to create SMART Goals for different scenarios


Must have done prep work, bring it with you.
You need a computer and internet for this exercise.


Setting SMART goals keeps the projects moving forward, helps with accountability and timing. It helps breaking down goals and achieve them.


Practice setting SMART Goals (20 minutes)

Goal: To understand and be more comfortable with writing SMART Goals.

Work in groups of 4 people. 

  1. Read the scenarios written below and write goals for each of them following the SMART framework (10 min)

    • You want to post/publish more on Slack.
    • You want to improve your active listening skills.
    • Your peer gave you constructive feedback on your assignment and you wish to improve it.
  2. Discuss whether your group has noticed any benefit or obstacles using this approach when setting goals. Write a phrase summarising your group feeling about this. (5 min)

  3. Post your answers in a respective Slack thread (create one if needed) (5 min)