Learning Objectives

  • Demonstrate your knowledge about the roles in tech


Prep work must have been completed. Trainee must have their list of roles available.


Tech teams have many different roles because each role contributes to the overall success of the team and the development of a product or solution.


Let’s talk about roles in tech (30 minutes)

Goal: Demonstrate your knowledge about the roles in tech

  1. In your groups of 4-5, one trainee volunteers to briefly present a role and another trainee to be the timekeeper
  2. The trainee has 1 minute to say the name of the role they would like to present, what this role does, and why it is essential.
  3. Everyone in the same group can ask 1 question and/or add 1 important piece of information to what was shared (2 minutes)
  4. The trainee chooses someone else in the group to present a different role and chooses a new timekeeper. 
  5. Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 until no one has a different role to talk about OR you run out of time.

Roles complement each other (20 minutes)

Goal: Use the different roles to solve a problem

  1. Separate the class in groups of 5. Each person takes up one of these roles:

    • Product Owner
    • Scrum Master
    • Developer
    • Tester
    • UI/UX Designer
  2. The group should share their understanding about what each role is responsible for and how they contribute to the team.

  3. Each team has 10 minutes to find a solution to one of the below problems:

    • The main page of our product is down
    • The Director asked for a new feature in our app. They would like it to be done in 2 weeks.
    • The release we did yesterday is not working.
    • We have a brainstorming session about the next 3 features for our webapp.
  4. Define in 1 phrase what was the main learning of the group. The Tester will present back to the wider group.

Share your learning (10 minutes)

Goal: Recognise what your learned in this session

  1. The Tester of each team will tell the wider group the phrase about the main learning