Learning Objectives

  • Share your SMART goals and Weekly Activity spreadsheet
  • Review your peers’ goals and give feedback
  • Identify challenges to achieving the shared goals
  • Develop a strategy for overcoming those challenges


Each trainee needs to bring and share their SMART goals and Weekly Activity spreadsheet.


We will focus on your SMART goals and discuss them a bit further, getting feedback on them.


SMART quick-fire questions (5 minutes)

Goal: Ensure the group has the same knowledge about SMART Goals

Let’s quickly answer these questions.

  1. What does the S.M.A.R.T stand for? 
  2. Why do we use this acronym to help set goals? 
  3. Name some benefits of setting SMART goals over non-SMART goals.

Share your SMART goals in a smaller group (30 minutes)

Goal: Receive feedback on your SMART goals and Weekly Activity spreadsheet

Break the group up into small groups.

  1. Each trainee will present their SMART goals and Weekly Activity spreadsheet.
  2. The other team members will listen to it and then share their feedback, focusing on making the goals as SMART as possible.
  3. Each trainee should adjust their goals and Weekly Activity spreadsheet based on the feedback. (This can be done after class if you run out of time.)

Reflect on the previous exercise (10 minutes)

Goal: Share the insights of the smaller groups

Return to the main group and discuss any common themes or challenges that came up in the small groups.

Some questions that can help you guiding this discussions are below"

  1. Were most goals SMART, or did they need to be improved? 
  2. Did most of your goals align with your Weekly Activity plan?
  3. Does having SMART goals make you feel more confident in your chances of success?
  4. What were the common themes that came up as barriers to success?
  5. Do you share many of the same barriers?

How can we support each other? (15 minutes)

Goal: Identify resources to support trainees to achieve their SMART goals

Discuss as a group what solutions and support are available for trainees to overcome these challenges.

Questions to be asked:

  1. What resources were identified to help overcome these? 
  2. What can the community do to support you? 
  3. What can other trainees do to support you?
  4. What can you do to overcome these barriers?
  5. What should you do when you get blocked by one of these barriers?
  6. How can you help when these barriers block your peers?