Learning Objectives

  • Assess the positive and negative traits in your team’s
  • Solving conflicts as part of a team


Identify clear examples of positive and negative points you want to discuss.

Define which board you want to use to capture the feedback. Miro, Figjam, EasyRetro, etc.

You can open the board and ask people to add examples beforehand (steps 1 and 2 of the exercise).


Retrospective is about celebrating what is going well, identifying what isn’t going well, and agreeing on actions to improve your team processes. Be honest and kind when talking about the examples.


Your retrospective (60 minutes)

Goal: Assess the positive and negative traits in your team’s

  1. Open the chosen board.

  2. Give everyone 5-10 minutes to add their examples. Make sure you use 1 post-it/ticket per example.

  3. Start reviewing the examples.

    • Usually, we start with the positive ones first.
    • Ask the person who wrote the example to give more input to the group
    • Open it up for questions and detailing
  4. Agree on an action for that example, if applicable.

    • Write the action on the board
    • Define who in the team will be responsible for delivering it
    • Agree on a deadline.

Cooling period (optional) (30 minutes)

Goal: Solving conflicts as part of a team

Conflicts are part of life. It can occur more often in high-pressure moments, such as delivering a product in a short period. It might happen at any moment in the week, but the retrospective usually brings them up more clearly.

Team conflict

If you see that you and your team struggle to collaborate, communicate or work together positively, and conflict is getting heated, you can use this cooling technique.

  1. Stop working and take a 5-minute break.
  2. Reflect on what you think is working well and what is not working.
  3. Discuss your preferred ways to communicate.
  4. Re-establish how you will work together as a team.
  5. Create a 5-step action plan about how they will resolve further challenges.

Individual conflict

If the conflict is about one specific individual, they must talk to a volunteer about the following:

  1. Their strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Reflections on how they will work together with the team.
  3. Clear action plan to resolve further challenges.

This must be done so the trainee can work on the team again.