Learning Objectives

  • Apply IDEA approach to solve a problem


Do the prep.


Problem-solving techniques serve as a template to solve a variety of problems of different nature and complexity.


IDEA model to solve problems (60 minutes)

Goal: Learn how to use the IDEA model to solve problems.

IDEA is a simple yet effective four-step problem-solving process to identify the problem, develop solutions, execute a plan and then assess your results.

I: Identify the problem

D: develop solutions

E: execute your plan

A: assess the extent to which the plan resolved the problem

Form groups of 4 or 5 people, with different people. Read the following problem and follow the steps below.

“Our oceans are full of plastic waste. A lot of them are eaten by fish. This causes uncertain effects on our health. According to The Economist newspaper, by 2050, the oceans could contain more plastic than fish, measured in weight. So: How can we reduce the plastic waste in our oceans today?”

  1. Identify and understand the problem you are trying to solve. Is the oceans being polluted the symptom or consequence? What is the root cause? Ask “Why?” as often as necessary until you get to the bottom of the issue.

  2. Brainstorm to come up with a few possible solutions. Determine the Pros and Cons for each of them until everyone agrees on which one would be the most appropriate. Once you have determined the solution, come up with goals that we can execute and will help us solve the problem.

  3. Discuss how the goals you set in the previous step can be executed. If one of your goals was to remove 10% of plastic waste in our oceans in 1 year, you must explain how you will accomplish this goal.

  4. The final step is to assess if the solution addresses the problem. We won’t be able to solve the problem in 30 minutes, but instead, identify the ways you could monitor and assess progress on solving the problem on an ongoing basis.