Learning Objectives

  • Explain the Teamwork Project structure and requirements
  • Describe different roles that can be found in a professional team


Your team must be defined beforehand and be composed of the following:

  • A mix of technical skills/levels
  • A mix of genders
  • Maximum 5 members

To do so organise yourselves as a cohort.

Tip: try to work with people you haven’t worked with yet.


Working as a team when developing software is very important. The collaboration, knowledge sharing and diversity of skill sets result in higher-quality products, faster development cycles, and a more efficient workflow. This delivers success in meeting customer needs and achieving project goals.

During the JS3 module, you will prepare a Teamwork Project. You will be assigned to a team by the volunteers. You will work as a team on a fictional digital product for a fictional client. You are not going to do any coding. This project aims to improve your teamwork skills. You will learn how to get prepared for a product before the software development phase.

You will:

  • Week 1: Decide how you are going to work as a team
  • Week 2: Define the minimum viable product for your project
  • Week 3: Define features and user stories for your product
  • Week 4: Present a brief for your product and your teamwork

Each team member should:

  • Organise and attend calls
  • Have clear responsibilities
  • Help each other when needed

An image that shows the tasks per week for the Teamwork project. Week 1: Tech roles, Team goals, project board and product ideas. Week 2: Tech product, requirements, resolving conflicts. Week 3: MVP, Feature & user story, Team dynamics. Week 4: Presentations and retrospective


Understand team roles (30 minutes)

Goal: Reflect about team roles

This is an individual task.

  1. Read the article “Belbin’s Team Roles” and watch the video.
  2. Reflect on the team roles you have taken so far in your life.

Keep this article in mind if you need to change your behaviour to help your team perform better during the project.

Prepare for your team meeting (30 minutes)

Goal: Be prepared for the first meeting with your team

  1. One of you must organise the meeting. So agree or volunteer for it. This should take you around 15 min.

  2. Prepare for the first call with your team. Consider the below aspects (15 min)

    • Your understanding of the project
    • Your questions
    • What you think you as a team should prepare for

PS: Do NOT discuss the day plan exercises. Otherwise, this will disrupt the lesson.

Have a first meeting with your team (60 minutes)

Goal: Understand the teamwork project

Agenda for this first meeting:

  1. Discuss your understanding of the project

  2. Discuss everyone’s questions

  3. Define what you think you as a team should prepare for

PS: Do NOT discuss the day plan exercises. Otherwise, this will disrupt the lesson.