Learning Objectives

  • Identify the different roles in the tech industry


Make sure you have your laptop, good internet and some time to focus


In the real world, it always takes a team of people with different skill sets to build valuable software. You will need to understand the typical roles and how they fit together.  This will also help you identify the ones you are most interested in, and you can start working on the necessary skills for them.


Mapping roles in tech (10 minutes)

Goal: Identify roles in tech

  1. Search online or look for job vacancies and identify as many roles in tech you can. Our Graduate Module page might have some important information for you too.

  2. Make a list of all roles you found, with the role’s name and:

    • one phrase describing what this job does
    • one phrase explaining why this job is essential

Tip: make sure you have easy access to this for the class.

Identify professionals skills per roles (40 minutes)

Goal: Differentiate the skills needed per role

  1. Chose 5 roles from your previous list that you would like to understand more about.
  2. Research about what technical and professional skills are required for each role.
  3. Write down the 3 most important technical and 3 professional skills for this role. Tip: Think about what makes this role different from another?
  4. Add a phrase to every professional skill explaining why that skills is important for this specific role. Consider that you might have the same skill for two roles, but the explanation of this skills need should not be the same.