Learning Objectives

  • Update and share a Google sheet with your peers
  • Identify your pair for the following week


  • Open the existent Google Sheet for your cohort
  • Use the General Availability Spreadsheet


Working with different people allows you to learn diverse things by talking, discussing, listening and working together.

So make sure you are pairing with different people with similar availability.


Create pairs for next week (5 minutes)

Goal: Identify the new pair to work with for this week

  • One trainee to update the Google sheet “XXX X Rota” on the cohort drive

    • The new tab must have two columns, one with the title “Pair 1” and another for “Pair 2.”
    • The name of the tab should be “Pairs HTML S1"
    • Check people’s availability and assign pairs
    • Post a message on the cohort Slack with the shared spreadsheet

    This tab will be the rota of the coursework.