Learning Objectives

  • Identify key elements of a job description for a software engineer role, including required skills, qualifications, and responsibilities
  • Recognize the importance of tailoring a resume to match the requirements and priorities outlined in a job description
  • Apply the STAR method to effectively answer competency-based interview questions related to the software engineer role


Bring the job description from prep to class.


Hiring managers may sort through hundreds of resumes for a single job, meaning they often scan to find the most relevant details. The best way to get noticed as a candidate is to tailor your CV to the employer’s job description.


Review a job description for a software engineer role (20 minutes)

Goal: Learn how to identify key elements of the job description that can be used to highlight relevant skills and experiences in your resume.

Form groups of 4 or 5 people. Read the job description you read on the prep and together do the following activities:

Review the job description and discuss: 

  • Understand employers’ wants and the qualifications required to perform the job. 
  • Read its description and write down/highlight any significant keywords related to skills. These may be unique to the job or that repeat throughout the posting. 
  • Take note of specific requirements - necessary education or training and years of experience.
  • Look at the order of the responsibilities listed, as those mentioned first may be more of a priority for the employer. 
  • Mirror the employer’s priorities when organising your resume - the first items they mention should be some of the first items you each mention on your CV.

Mock interview: Competency-based interviews using the job description (40 minutes)

Goal: Get prepared and comfortable with competency-based interviews.

Trainees should pair up and practice interviewing each other. Use the job posting from the previous exercise and the notes you took to complete the following activity:

  • One individual will take the role of the interviewer, and the other the role of the candidate.

  • You both should be very familiar with the job posting, if not, review it carefully.

  • Make sure to cover these stages during the interview:

    • Introductions

    • Interviewer: go over the candidate’s CV, and ask at least 5 questions regarding the candidate’s skills and experience as well as the information found in the CV’s summary. Try using the format followed by the questions below and also feel free to use them:

      • Tell me about a time when you did more than what was expected.
      • Tell me about a time when you received harsh feedback.
      • Tell me about a time when you had to deliver results within a tight deadline.
      • Walk me through a time when requirements were not clear by the time development had to start. What did you do?
      • Talk me through one of the projects that you’re proud of.
      • What is the most (technically) challenging task that you’ve encountered?
    • The candidate should use the STAR method to answer these questions. The interviewer should allow the candidate to ask questions at the end. Remember to always keep in mind what you learned from the job description! 

  • Finally, discuss with each other how the interview went and then swap roles.