Learning Objectives

  • Organise common answers in the group about the trainees learning process so far.


Must have done prep work; bring it with you.
You need a computer and internet for this exercise.


Introspection in groups is important for gaining diverse perspectives, enhancing self-awareness through feedback, receiving validation and support, and promoting accountability and motivation.


Agree on introspection answers in groups (15 minutes)

Goal: Organise common answers in the group about the trainees learning process so far.

  • In groups of 4 people, discuss your answers to the questions you answered before the class.
  • As a group agree on the final answers and write them down
  • Choose a speaker for your group who will present your your agreed-upon answers. The presentation has to be done in 3 minutes.


  1. What we covered over the past weeks?
  2. What parts we enjoyed?
  3. What we will do differently in the next module?
  4. What tips and tricks we can share with each other?
  5. What advice we would give to the next class?

Present your group answers to your cohort (25 minutes)

Goal: Share your answers and agreed ideas in a 3 minutes verbal presentation

  • Choose a time keeper to ensure no group goes over the 3-minute presentation time.
  • Each speaker of a group has to present their answers within 3 minutes

Tip: next speaker can omit some information that has already been said to avoid repetitive information and reduce their presentation time.