Learning Objectives

  • Reflect on the Portfolio Module criteria


Must have done the prep work for this module

Prep for the exercise on the day:

  1. One person volunteers to ask the questions and choose who is answering them. You can ask each question several times.

  2. But choose a different person every time. We must hear different voices!

  3. Set a 15 minute timer and wrap up promptly.


Let’s have a quick discussion about the Portfolio Module!


What are we doing in the Portfolio Module? (15 minutes)

Goal: Align the knowledge of the group about what we are trying to achieve

In one big group, let’s make sure we all understand the Portfolio Module’s goals.

Questions to be discussed:

  1. What are you doing in the Portfolio Module?
  2. Name one of the module success criteria, and why it is important?
  3. How long is the Portfolio Module?
  4. How can you help make the Portfolio Module a success?