Learning Objectives

  • Explain why professional development skills are important for individuals seeking tech jobs.
  • Explain the difference between hard (technical) skills and soft (professional) skills in 5 sentences



  • 2 big sheets of paper and Post-it notes
  • A few markers 
  • Slide deck


  • Interactive whiteboard

Slide deck


For this exercise, you will work with your whole cohort. Make sure you have at least one contribution during each part of the exercise.


Worst Boss vs Best Boss (25 minutes)

Goal: Evaluate the difference of technical and professional skills

Part 1

Draw a circle and write WORST BOSS. Think about the characteristics of the “Worst Boss”, write your ideas on post-its and share them on the collaborative sheet.

 Think about a boss you worked with in the past or a boss you would not want to work for.

Part 2

Draw another circle and write BEST BOSS. Now think about the characteristics of the “Best Boss” you have or would want to have. Write your ideas on Post-it (one per Post-it!)  and share them on the collaborative sheet.

Part 3

Work with your cohort to group the ‘hard skills’ (technical skills) and the ‘soft skills’ (professional skills) shared for the “Best Boss”. You can move the post-its under these two headings on a separate sheet.

Part 4

  • Discuss what you have learned with this exercise.
  • Define hard (technical) and soft (professional) skills.
  • Are the soft skills really soft?

Part 5

If there is time, go through these slides together. If not, take time to review them in your own time.