Learning Objectives

  • Identify groups of people with similar availability that can work together


Use the existent cohort spreadsheet.


Working in groups of different people than only your close peers makes you a more empathic person, which is an excellent quality when dealing with people.


Create groups for the next module's group work. (10 minutes)

Goal: Create groups for the next module’s group work.

These are the tasks that must be completed. Organise yourselves so not only one person is doing this.

  1. You must consider trainees availability
  2. You must consider how many hours of coursework or prep work has to be done in groups
  3. You then can define the groups (look for diversity, so people that haven’t worked together should give it a go, ensure you don’t have gendered groups, etc.)
  4. You can use this link to help you allocate people randomly.
  5. Open the existent spreadsheet for pairs/groups and create a new tab called “JS1 Groups”.
  6. Add the groups to the “JS1 Groups” tab
  7. Share the spreadsheet on Slack so it is visible to everyone.