πŸ“… Sprint 1

Bad Interview Answers πŸ”—

We have a lot of serious work to do, but let's start with some fun

Fail Fast Prep πŸ”—

This exercise is the work to be done for the next lesson, in which we will discuss the Failing Fast concept.

Failing Fast πŸ”—

Failing fast is essential for success. It is important to get in the habit of being comfortable with trying new things, learning from them, making adjustments when things don’t go as expected and trying again until you achieve your objective.

Prep Resilience πŸ”—

Prep to get familiar with Resilience

Reviewing and improving goals πŸ”—

Everybody has different approaches to creating goals. Use this session to review goals as a group and share feedback with each other. Create an opportunity for dialogue about the challenges you may face in achieving these goals and how you can support each other to collectively achieve your goals.

πŸ“… Sprint 2

Demo Time! πŸ”—

All teams will show the amazing work they have done so far.

Let's get jobs πŸ”—

In this session we will work on our employability skills. This means: improving our CVs, LinkedIn profiles, GitHub profiles, finding and analysing job descriptions, and preparing for interviews.

Population Block πŸ”—

Create all the skills and modules

Retrospective πŸ”—

Retrospective is another important ceremony in the Agile framework. In the same way, you talk to users to gather their feedback and act on it; this is the time for your team to discuss what is going well and what isn’t.

πŸ“… Sprint 3

Demo your product πŸ”—

Demoing your product is something you will always have to do - and practice makes perfect.

Developer Communication πŸ”—

In this lessons you will use the content you prepared with your pair and present it back to your cohort.

Growth Mindset πŸ”—

This session will support you to distinguish the growth mindset from the fixed mindset and to understand how you can actually maintain a growth mindset.

Prep for Growth Mindset πŸ”—

Preparation for the Growth Mindset session

πŸ“… Sprint 4

Introspection in groups πŸ”—

Evaluate your learning process so far.

Prep - Public Speaking / Circles of Influence πŸ”—

You will prepare a short talk for your peers at the Saturday session. You will also use Circles of Influences to categorise the various concerns in your life.

Prep - Sell yourself πŸ”—

This session explains how self-promoting is different from bragging.

Prep for Introspection πŸ”—

This is the preparation work for the exercise that will be done in the next lesson, about introspection.

Public Speaking / Circles of Influence πŸ”—

In this session, you will practice speaking confidently to your peers. You will also further develop the Circles of Influence you created in the prep work.

Sell yourself πŸ”—

In this session, we will practice our elevator pitches, show off each other’s strengths and identify our value for companies.

Teamwork Project Presentation prep πŸ”—

In the next session, you will present your product’s brief, what you have learnt and how you have worked during the Teamwork Project.

Teamwork Project S4 πŸ”—

In this session, each team will present their product brief, learning and work during the Teamwork Project