πŸ“… Sprint 1

Prep Resilience πŸ”—

Prep to get familiar with Resilience

Resilience πŸ”—

Learn about Resilience

πŸ“… Sprint 2

Population Block πŸ”—

Create all the skills and modules

Prep Problem Solving πŸ”—

Problem-solving skills are skills that enable people to handle unexpected situations or difficult challenges at work.

Problem Solving πŸ”—

We will learn about and practice problem-solving.

πŸ“… Sprint 3

Prep for WIP-Work in Progress πŸ”—

Play an online game where you manage a development team and want to deliver as much value as possible in 4 sprints of 10 working days each.

WIP and Feedback πŸ”—

In this session, you will play a game to explore how getting early customer feedback can improve a team’s effectiveness and discuss WIP (Work not Done).

πŸ“… Sprint 4

Diversity and Inclusion πŸ”—

This session will help to recognise systemic problems regarding diversity and inclusion and discuss how we can contribute to a more diverse and inclusive tech industry.

Prep for Diversity and Inclusion πŸ”—

Recognising systemic problems regarding diversity and inclusion and contributing to a more diverse and inclusive tech industry