📅 Sprint 1

Bad Interview Answers 🔗

We have a lot of serious work to do, but let's start with some fun

Goal of the Portfolio Module 🔗

Why are we here and what are we trying to achieve?

Goal setting and planning 🔗

Understanding the goals of the Portfolio module and setting our own

Prep the work for the week 🔗

Agree the next steps for your team

Reviewing and improving goals 🔗

Everybody has different approaches to creating goals. Use this session to review goals as a group and share feedback with each other. Create an opportunity for dialogue about the challenges you may face in achieving these goals and how you can support each other to collectively achieve your goals.

📅 Sprint 2

Backlog Refinement and Planning 🔗

To ensure the team is all on the same page the planning and/or backlog refinement session are key.

Let's get jobs 🔗

In this session we will work on our employability skills. This means: improving our CVs, LinkedIn profiles, GitHub profiles, finding and analysing job descriptions, and preparing for interviews.

Population Block 🔗

Create all the skills and modules

Portfolio Module: Prep work for planning 🔗

This is the prep for the 2nd and 4th week of the Portfolio Module.

📅 Sprint 3

Demo your product 🔗

Demoing your product is something you will always have to do - and practice makes perfect.