πŸ“… Sprint 1

Non-Verbal Communication πŸ”—

You will learn about and practice non-verbal communication.

Prep Non-verbal Communication πŸ”—

This prep is for you to learn about non-verbal communication.

πŸ“… Sprint 2

Difficult workplace conversations πŸ”—

This session discusses some potential difficult conversations in the workplace and offers tips for constructive outcomes following these conversations.

Population Block πŸ”—

Create all the skills and modules

Prep Difficult workplace conversations πŸ”—

Handling potentially difficult conversations in the workplace.

πŸ“… Sprint 3

Prep Value and Work Not Done πŸ”—

This prep focuses on learning about identifying value in a work setting.

Value and Work Not Done πŸ”—

In this session, you will put what you learned about value into practice.

πŸ“… Sprint 4

Prep - Sell yourself πŸ”—

This session explains how self-promoting is different from bragging.

Sell yourself πŸ”—

In this session, we will practice our elevator pitches, show off each other’s strengths and identify our value for companies.