πŸ“… Sprint 1

Prep Teamwork Project πŸ”—

During the JS3 module, trainees will work in a group on the **Teamwork Project**.

Teamwork Project S1 πŸ”—

In this session, we will talk about tech teams and different tech roles.

πŸ“… Sprint 2

Gathering requirements Prep πŸ”—

This is the prep work for the Teamwork Project Sprint 2 lesson.

Population Block πŸ”—

Create all the skills and modules

Teamwork Project S2 πŸ”—

This session will explore what a tech product is, who are the users of a product, and how the product meets user needs.

πŸ“… Sprint 3

Define your product's MVP πŸ”—

Work as a team to define your product's Minimum Viable Product

Teamwork Project S3 πŸ”—

This session will explore how to detail the features you listed during prep work and then create create features user stories and tasks for your product.

πŸ“… Sprint 4

Create groups for React πŸ”—

Create new diverse groups for React module

Teamwork Project Presentation prep πŸ”—

In the next session, you will present your product’s brief, what you have learnt and how you have worked during the Teamwork Project.

Teamwork Project S4 πŸ”—

In this session, each team will present their product brief, learning and work during the Teamwork Project