📅 Sprint 1

Feedback 🔗

We will give each other feedback on the document we prepared before the session.

Pairs for next week 🔗

Define the pairs for the next week.

Prep for Feedback 🔗

This is the preparation work for the exercise that will be done in the next lesson, about feedback

Prep Transferable Skills 🔗

This exercise is for you to think about your transferrable skills and how they will help you in your new career in tech.

Transferable skills 🔗


📅 Sprint 2

Active listening 🔗

In this session you will practice active listening, so that you experience it and can use it in the future

Population Block 🔗

Create all the skills and modules

Prep for active listening 🔗

This is the preparation work for the exercise that will be done in the next lesson, about active listening.

📅 Sprint 3

Developer Communication 🔗

In this lessons you will use the content you prepared with your pair and present it back to your cohort.

Prep Developer Communication 🔗

This prep exercise is for you to think about how to explain concepts to different audiences.

📅 Sprint 4

Create groups for JS1 🔗

Create groups that will work together on the next module

Introspection in groups 🔗

Evaluate your learning process so far.

Prep for Introspection 🔗

This is the preparation work for the exercise that will be done in the next lesson, about introspection.

Prep for SMART Goals 🔗

This is the preparation work for the exercise that will be done in the next lesson, about SMART Goals

Setting SMART Goals 🔗

Practice how to set SMART goals.